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  • Writer's pictureMarisa Joshi

Top Do's and Don'ts of Email Marketing

Stuck on what works and what doesn't? We have gathered some of the best things to apply in your email marketing strategy and the things you should probably avoid.

DO use an impressive subject line

The subject line is the first thing your subscribers see, so you want to make it as eye-catching as possible otherwise, it will go straight to the bin folder. Research suggests that 33% of email recipients open emails because of catchy subject lines so make sure you write a subject line that is short and to-the-point which can hold the readers' attention.

DON'T over promote your brand

Customers subscribe to your email campaigns because they want to hear about relevant industry news, are interested in your brand, and what you have to offer. However, you should refrain from making your content too salesy and have the reader in mind when writing. Remember, your customer subscribed for a reason: they do not need constant reminders of your services but instead, how can your brand benefit them.

DO utilise segmented email lists

By having lists depending on what type of subscribers they are, you can send more effective and tailored email campaigns. Segmented email lists can help you personalise what you send to your customers, meaning you will be sending more relevant content to subscribers. Examples of how you can segment subscribers include: interests, purchase history, and geographic location.

DON'T overwhelm your audiences

No one likes to have several emails from the same brand within a short time period; sending too many emails will start to bore your readers due to repetitiveness. Keep your mailings consistent and do not bombard your audiences or you will scare them off.

DO calls to action

By creating a sense of urgency within your email campaigns, it can act as a cue to get the reader to think fast and act. The concept of fear of missing out is a great motivation of purchase and can reel your customers in and build up sales. Examples of this include using exciting buzzwords within your subject line, such as "LAST CHANCE" or "SAVE", that can improve open rates. Additionally relevant emojis in your subject line can help make your email look more visually appealing. Featuring deadlines in your emails and subject lines, such as "OFFER ENDS TODAY", can build click-through rates for special promos. Lastly, by using buttons throughout your email campaigns - but not overusing - can grab a subscriber's attention and encourage them to act.

TIP: experiment with different button text and colours as this can affect purchasing decisions

DON'T cater for emails just on desktop

Technology has advanced enough that we can access our emails at our finger tips, literally! Consumers are increasingly using different devices, such as mobile phones and tablets, to view their emails. So, make sure you remember to check how your emails look on different views... you don't want to find that an email you have created looks great on desktop but is missing half the content on mobile viewing.

If your business needs advice or help on email marketing or any of the other services we offer, get in touch with our friendly team today and we can help you fulfil your potential and make that dough!

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